Assalamualaikum. Hello 2021

I have abandoned this blog for a long time. After binging this series on netflix "the bold type" suddenly im inspired to write again. Pursuing career that heavily involved corporate writing I have neglected creative writing, writing for fun.

so in honor of Jane Sloan X Jacqueline Carlyle here i am again. i promised myself to spend time on this - learning html, video - photo editing myself. Refresher, a lot has changed and i have to start from scratch again. 

In the upcoming post, I wish to write something that serve a positive purpose, still casual but non demeaning, intelligent and neutral with an adolescent approach. 

I believe trending culture is chaotic and noisy. I don't want to write to get attention. I want to write something honest, open for engagement but even If its going to sit quietly in digital space, it still okay because who knows there's a reader somewhere who finds it useful.

No worries, my goal is just 1 post a week, every friday. lets go!

